Martin Kaiser ist Alumni der HSWT.
© Ivory Productions
End of studies in sight? We'll show you what awaits you afterwards - and help you get started in your career. Our alumni network is also helpful when starting your career.
  • After your Studies

Your prospects after graduation

End of studies in sight? We'll show you what awaits you afterwards - and help you get started in your career. Our alumni network is also helpful when starting your career.

Finding your own path - you'll find support here

Ein Finger zeigt auf einen Bildschirm.
© Teera Konakan / via Getty Images

University Job Exchange

From internships to bachelor's theses, from a work placement to your first job - you'll find the right vacancies here.

Doktorandin arbeitet am Computer im Labor.

Doing a doctorate at HSWT

Aiming for a doctorate or assigning dissertation topics - you can find the information here.

Ein Mitarbeiter des Career Service berät einen Studierenden.
© Josef Gangkofer

Career Service

Successful even after graduation - with the advisory services for your career start.

Gruppe Studierender und Alumni sitzen zusammen.
© Ivory Productions

A network for your career

As an HSWT alumni, you can exchange ideas with experienced professionals from exciting industries - and benefit from many new contacts.